"It's really hard for most filmmakers to tell a raw human story.  You were successful in capturing something fleeting, momentary, and profound about real life. You captured something intangible. Life is the accumulation of small moments and that was clear to me in the film. There was also a beautiful, subtle comment about change... that it takes time, many seasons, and it doesn't happen not from lack of trying but because it is so hard for humans. I hope you share with Lucky that I think her testimony as filmed is a miracle. And that God had and has a plan for her.  Her life helps me to keep going in my own life. The film as a whole gives validation to all of us unique, quirky souls who just want to be ourselves and to find our purpose." Mei, Atlanta


"Lucky is a phenomenal woman. The film touched and taught me all in the same breath. Wishing all the best to her and her family." Taisha Lara                                      


"Just want you to know that you and your family is in my prayers. Keep ya head up and keep striving. My struggle is different but I plan to keep pushing thanks to you." Andrew Jackson, Texas


"Lucky, I found my way and I had no business finding it but I stopped running when I realized I was being chased by myself. I wrote a book called Miracles For Breakfast that I know you could identify with. If it wasn't for my wife Debi who got me into rehab years ago I would have died some time ago. Just want you to know you are special and you have gifts inside of you waiting to bloom and that God has a plan for your life. There are amazing doors up ahead to go through; please believe me. I may never see you but know this you have a brother from another mother who is going to remember you in prayer everyday and will ask God to watch over you and guide you in ways you never thought possible." Danny Brooks, Texas


"Having recently sat in a packed theater watching “Lucky” amidst a bunch of strangers, I must say it is one of the most unforgettable films…. Forget what you know about wearing your heart on your sleeve. This movie is about a woman who, after growing up in foster homes, wears her pain on her face and body.

It’s raw and sometimes even wicked, but it’s real. This is somebody’s life and I wouldn’t be surprised that if, by watching it, you take a closer look at your own – particularly the areas that you take for granted, because I know they exist. We all have them.

“Lucky” is one of those movies that have you thinking: “This person has it worse... so what’s MY excuse???” And you would be right. If there is one thing to learn from this movie, it’s to live out loud while remaining conscious of what, if anything, you want to leave behind." Nicole, NYC


"Lucky, I want to reiterate what your neighbor Dick told you in the movie: Let the wall down a little bit. You don't have to chop it all the way down but chip away at it a little bit and release that pain so that you can let the good in. I admire your determination greatly." Ebonè Flowers, Las Vegas


"I saw your documentary today I really loved it. I was weirded out at first but when I tuned in, I got to meet the real you, the real life struggle of a young beautiful woman. Girl, you have been through a lot. Seeing you today has sparked me and scarred me for life. You're my idol. You keep fighting and one day I wish I would have the same strength you had. I know you'll make it." Chris, NYC


"Lucky's decision to tattoo her face expressed her determination to make her pain, her otherness, immediately visible to everyone. She did not wish to pass as some anonymous human in the big city. I connected her ferocity with my own, as a young man, to make my protest against the Vietnam War visible on my body. That's why I chose to cut off my finger, rather than go to Canada, or jail, or evade the draft in some devious way. I wanted my body to say it, everyday, always. I felt your film displayed Lucky's clear intentionality to present such a face as she did.

Nathaniel Hawthorne has a story ("The Minister's Black Veil") about a minister who chose to alter his face, not with tattoos, although the black veil amounted to the same impact on other people. It made him different, quite odd, feared. He used it to become a powerful minister. His veil made those listening to his sermons quiver and quake. His funeral services possessed unearthly power. But he couldn't take it off, since people would know it was just a prop. He had to stay in role. "I am this person, always," Lucky can tell us, with ink under the skin on her face.

But all of us are far more than one person, both at any moment, and certainly over time. When no one is watching, our several selves can come out and play.

In my late twenties and thirties, I trained as a psychotherapist. What struck me most profoundly among Lucky's many struggles wasn't her lack of parents, or her condition as a woman of color, or poverty, or her sexual orientation. Lucky suffered most profoundly from mental illness.

Your film showed her to be a woman of considerable intelligence, all of which had to be put to use to help her navigate around a quite damaged psyche. You were delicate about that in the film, only once having her say, "My therapist said I'm schizophrenic." But what I saw portrayed was the life struggles of a crippled soul. With as sharp a mind as she seemed to have, a decent life might have been possible. But add to all her condition-of-life challenges a largely incurable mental illness, then I felt moved to a deep sadness for the suffering she's endured, will endure. But despite its despair, Lucky's story needs to be told. Your film succeeds in making us see the suffering, complex human being behind her mask. For that you are to be congratulated." Joe Riener, Washington, D.C.


"The film is very, very powerful and is so right for this time in history when people are beginning to tell the truth about their lives, their experiences and who they are. Lucky allows us to face and tell the truth about our own lives. She is a beacon of hope for all us, to remind us to keep going no matter what. When we all begin to face and tell the truth, we realize we are all in the same boat. There is no shame, no denial; Just an acceptance and love for our beautiful messy lives that we love no matter what." Shirley Moulton, NYC


"Underneath all the tattoos, I can still see beauty. You and your sister are a testimony for others who've struggled but never give up. Keep pushing ‘cause you never know what's around the corner unless you turn down the street." Leslie Daye


"I just watched this and I can't stop crying...and I don't cry. You are an amazing inspiration to so many who don't even know you." Michelle Smiley


"Lucky is an inspiration to woman all around the world who are going through rocky situations. She defines the phrase "Diamond in the rough.” This documentary touches my heart. Her story has uplifted me because of her endurance and passion to not give up. Thank you for reminding me I am not alone. Every Mess has a MESSage. Every Test will be a TESTimony." Portia a.k.a. P.J. Mona Lisa















"You are beautiful!" Vanessa Salcedo, Los Angeles